I T  L A W


Digitalisation, E-commerce, IoT, OTT communication services and the platform economy combined with Artificial Intelligence increasingly influence our everyday life and the B2B sector. 

Due to increasing demand of clients for IT related legal consultancy attorney-at-law Luters-Thümmel has additionally specialised in IT Law. Dace Luters-Thümmel holds a special IT law diploma from the Technical University of Cologne (Institute of Media Law) and continuously complements her legal knowledge with additional Data Engineering and Data Science courses of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam. She offers advice on data protection issues (GDPR EU and extraterritorial application), privacy policies, cross-border data transfers, IT contracts, online presence (web pages, online-shops, etc.), consumer protection in E-commerce and the protection of individual rights.

Clients are mainly businesses encountering problems related to EU law requirements.

Mrs. Luters-Thümmel is also a member of the European AI Alliance and has been nominated as a member of the Consultative Committee of the American Law Institute - European Law Institute (ALI-ELI) Project 'Principles for a Data Economy'. She is regularly publishing articles on AI related ethical questions and has represented EWLA in public consultations of the European Institutions thereon.
Lecturer on IT Law in 'Industrial Engineering and Management - Digital Economy' Master Programme of a German university.
Nominee for the European Women of Legal Tech 2020 award.